Having children can be one of the greatest blessings in life. For many moms, however, physical changes to the body and breasts that often occur during and after pregnancy can be resistant to even the most healthy diets and strenuous exercise routines, making it difficult to regain one’s pre-pregnancy physique. These changes include—but are not limited to—breast volume loss or gain, breast sagging, excess, hanging skin in the abdomen, and stubborn areas of localized fat.

Fortunately, all of these aesthetic concerns can be comprehensively addressed with a personalized mommy makeover performed by Dr. Stephen Herring, our board-certified plastic surgeon. To learn more about this rewarding treatment, we invite you to explore the helpful sections provided below and/or get in touch with our practice today to schedule a consultation.

Mommy Makeover Quick Facts

Restore and recontour the post-childbirth appearance
General anesthesia or IV sedation with local anesthesia
Typically outpatient
Most women are able to return to work within 1-2 weeks; more strenuous activity can generally be resumed in 4-6 weeks

What Is a Mommy Makeover?

A mommy makeover is the term used to describe a customized combination of cosmetic procedures that help to restore a woman’s pre-pregnancy figure. The focus of treatment is often the breasts, as this region of the body tends to be affected most by pregnancy, breastfeeding, and/or significant weight loss. That said, some women also elect to simultaneously address other areas that experienced changes, such as the arms, legs, abdomen, and face.

At our practice, Dr. Herring will work closely with you during the consultation process to tailor an effective treatment plan based on your unique needs and goals. After performing a thorough assessment of your specific concerns, he can identify the most appropriate procedures for creating the appearance you desire, as well as provide a detailed overview of what you can expect from each. With over three decades of plastic surgery experience, Dr. Herring has achieved excellent mommy makeover results for numerous women, and he would be truly honored to do the same for you.

“Dr. Herring and his Staff are absolutely amazing! They made every step of my breast augmentation and tummy tuck process easy and comforting. From the first consultation to the surgery I was a made to feel at ease. All my questions or concerns were answered quickly. I highly recommend Dr. Herring!”

Who Is a Candidate for a Mommy Makeover?

Candidates for a mommy makeover typically wish to address significant physical changes following pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. Just as the effects of hormonal changes on the body can vary, so can patients’ aesthetic goals; that said, it is common for mommy makeover candidates to desire firmer, perkier breasts, a flatter abdomen, and/or a more toned physique.

Otherwise, ideal candidates are in generally good health and have realistic expectations about the procedure. They should also be at a stable weight, and, if they smoke tobacco, should be prepared to stop smoking directly before and after treatment.

What Treatments Are Included in a Mommy Makeover?

While the specific treatments selected for your mommy makeover will be personalized to suit your aesthetic needs and desires, some combination of the following abdominal contouring and breast enhancement procedures are typically performed:

  • Tummy Tuck – Also called abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck can be employed to remove loose, excess skin, tighten remaining tissues, and repair stretched and/or torn musculature in the abdomen for a slimmer, more toned contour.
  • Liposuction – Fat removal with liposuction can be used to eliminate pockets of localized fatty tissue in the midsection that remain immune to diet and exercise, yielding a leaner physique.
  • Breast Lift – When breast sagging is a concern, a breast lift (mastopexy) can be performed to remove extra skin, elevate and tighten the remaining tissue, and restore an optimal breast shape.
  • Breast Lift with Augmentation – In the event breast sagging is accompanied by volume loss, combining a breast lift with breast augmentation can raise the breasts to a more youthful position while simultaneously restoring (or even increasing) your pre-pregnancy breast size.
  • Breast Reduction – When an undesired increase in breast volume remains after pregnancy and/or breastfeeding, a breast reduction can be utilized to remove excess tissue, eliminate extra skin, and reshape and lift the remaining tissue to create an ideal appearance.

In addition to these options, some patients choose to include arm liftthigh lift, and/or various facial plastic surgery procedures as part of their mommy makeover plan to achieve an even more comprehensive enhancement.

I had a MMO in 2020 and have loved my experience and results from Herring Plastic Surgery. I recommend this team to anyone looking to improve their appearance.

Jessica Clark

February 16, 2021


What Is Recovery After a Mommy Makeover Like?

Recovery and downtime following a mommy makeover will vary based on the specific procedures performed, but most women are able to return to normal, non-strenuous work and daily routines within one to two weeks—with all restrictions typically being lifted after about four to six weeks. Some degree of bruising, swelling, and tenderness may be present initially, but these symptoms should gradually fade with time. Most patients report experiencing minimal pain, though medication can generally be used to resolve any discomfort, if necessary.

Based on your customized mommy makeover plan, Dr. Herring can provide a more personalized outline of what to expect in regard to recovery at the time of your consultation.

How Long Do Mommy Makeover Results Last?

The longevity of mommy makeover results varies depending on individual factors such as age, lifestyle, and genetics. The surgeries included can also influence the duration of results, as certain procedures are liable to produce more long-lasting effects than others.

While the natural course of aging will continue, the positive changes from the surgery can be noticeable for many years. In fact, with proper care and maintenance, the outcome can be very long-lasting. Maintaining a stable weight, following a healthy lifestyle, and engaging in regular exercise can help prolong the results. Pregnancy after a mommy makeover may affect the outcome, so Dr. Herring usually advises patients to complete family planning before the procedure.

Will I Have Scars After A Mommy Makeover?

During the mommy makeover surgery, Dr. Herring tries his best to make incisions in the most discreet areas of the body. Scarring will look different for every patient since not everyone will have the same procedures included in their treatment plan. Liposuction scars are typically minimal, as the cannula used to remove fat during the surgery is very thin. Incisions for breast augmentation are usually made near the areola or within the breast fold, which makes concealing scars easy while wearing a bra or bikini top. A tummy tuck procedure involves an incision that is near the pubic area, going from hip to hip. Any scarring from a tummy tuck can usually be hidden when wearing undergarments and swimwear.

In the beginning of the recovery process, scars may appear reddish and raised, but they should flatten out and become lighter over time. It is important for the patient to carefully follow any post-operative instructions that Dr. Herring provides. This will help ensure that the incisions heal properly, making any residual scarring as unnoticeable as possible.

When Is the Right Time for a Mommy Makeover?

While the right time for a mommy makeover will depend on individual circumstances, most surgeons recommend waiting for several months after childbirth to ensure the body has had sufficient time to recover.* Dr. Herring also advocates that patients wait until they have completed their families to undergo a mommy makeover, as pregnancy after the procedure can affect the results.

Moreover, emotional readiness and realistic expectations are crucial factors, so it is essential to be in good overall health and have a stable weight. During your initial consultation, Dr. Herring can help determine if you are a suitable candidate and guide you on the best timing for your mommy makeover.

How Should I Prepare for My Mommy Makeover?

In order to achieve the best results from a mommy makeover, there are a few things that we recommend patients do to prepare for their procedure, including:

  • Take any medication directed by your doctor and have prescriptions filled before the surgery. Having your prescriptions readily available to you after your mommy makeover can save you time and effort during the recovery process.

  • Avoid smoking. Smoking can increase the likelihood of negative reactions to anesthesia, limit blood flow, and delay proper wound healing.

  • Stop using anti-inflammatory drugs, aspirin, and herbal supplements. These substances tend to increase bleeding.

  • Ask a friend or family member to drive you to and from your appointment. Because it may be difficult to drive yourself after the anesthesia wears off, it is best to have someone drop you off and pick you up from your procedure. If you need help taking care of pets or children, we recommend finding a loved one or friend to take over those tasks while you are still recovering.

  • Prepare your home. Before surgery, prioritize finishing as many errands as you can so that you do not have to worry about them while you are recovering. Make sure that the kitchen is fully stocked, your recovery area has enough books or things to keep you entertained, and you have enough pillows and blankets so that you can comfortably rest.

During your consultation, Dr. Herring will provide a more detailed list of pre-operative instructions based on your lifestyle.

How Much Does a Mommy Makeover Cost?

At Herring Plastic Surgery, the starting fee for a mommy makeover is generally about $9,000, with total treatment costs varying widely based on the number of procedures performed and the specific anatomy of the patient. You may notice that this typical starting price is quite competitive for the area, which is due in large part to our accredited surgery facility located on-site. This allows Dr. Herring to perform treatment at a reduced rate with improved privacy and convenience—all while meeting the same standards of safety and excellence as a hospital.

To obtain a personalized price quote for your mommy makeover, you will need to book an in-personal consultation at our practice. After reviewing your unique case and formulating a custom treatment plan, Dr. Herring can break down all costs associated with your care.

Contact Herring Plastic Surgery

If you have additional questions about mommy makeovers, or if you are interested in regaining your pre-pregnancy figure and wish to find out how Dr. Herring can help, please don’t hesitate to contact our practice today to book a consultation.

Medical References*

American Society of Plastic Surgeons